
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.

Conclusions from the population forecast by grok3 and deepseek in China


GROK3 Conclusion:#

Population Forecast for China from 2025 to 2100 under China's Fertility Policy#

Chart Explanation#

  • Horizontal Axis (X-axis): Time (1950-2100)
  • Vertical Axis (Y-axis): Population Size (Unit: 100 million, 0-1.6 billion)
  • Curve Colors and Assumptions:
    • Red Solid Line: High Fertility Rate (TFR = 1.31)
    • Red Dashed Line: Medium Fertility Rate (TFR = 0.72)
    • Green Solid Line: Low Fertility Rate (TFR = 0.65)
    • Purple Line: Historical Data or Other Assumptions (e.g., 2005 Peak)

Key Data Points#

Historical Data (1950-2025)#

  • 1950: Population approximately 500 million
  • 2005: Population peaked at approximately 1.4 billion (TFR = 1.05)
  • Population growth peak: 1970s-1980s, followed by a decline in fertility rate due to family planning policies (e.g., "One Child Policy"), slowing growth

Future Forecast (2025-2100)#

  • Population begins to decline significantly after 2025, with different fertility rate assumptions leading to varying degrees of decline:

    • High Fertility Rate (TFR = 1.31):
      • Population in 2100: approximately 500 million
      • Proportion: 53% (500 million/1.4 billion)
    • Medium Fertility Rate (TFR = 0.72):
      • Population in 2100: approximately 300 million
      • Proportion: 21% (300 million/1.4 billion)
    • Low Fertility Rate (TFR = 0.65):
      • Population in 2100: approximately 200 million
      • Proportion: 14% (200 million/1.4 billion)
  • Total Fertility Rate (TFR):

    • TFR is the average number of children born to a woman, with a replacement level of about 2.1
    • Current and projected TFR is far below 2.1 (e.g., 0.65-1.31), leading to natural population decline

Trend Analysis#

Past (1950-2025)#

  • Population grew from 500 million to 1.4 billion, nearly tripling
  • Growth peaked in the 1970s, followed by a decline in fertility rate

Future (2025-2100)#

  • Population will decrease significantly, with the extent of decline depending on fertility rates:
    • Low Fertility Rate (TFR = 0.65): most drastic decline, down to 200 million by 2100
    • High Fertility Rate (TFR = 1.31): slower decline, down to 500 million by 2100
  • Challenges: labor shortages, aging population, economic development pressures

Policy and Social Implications#

  • The chart title "China's Fertility Policy" suggests that the government may influence population through policy adjustments (e.g., encouraging childbirth)
  • Low fertility rates require policy intervention; otherwise, population shrinkage will exacerbate socio-economic issues

Other Details#

  • Noted TFR changes (e.g., 2005 TFR = 1.05, 2025 TFR = 0.65-1.31)
  • The right side lists the population numbers and proportions for each assumption in 2100, emphasizing the severity of population shrinkage

Note: TFR = Total Fertility Rate

DEEPSEEK—R1 Conclusions:#

Population Forecast for China under Three Fertility Scenarios (2025-2100) and Policy Recommendations#

Core Indicators#

  • Total Population: Changes in total population size
  • Aging Population (65+): Quantity and proportion
  • Birth Population: Number of newborns
  • Aging Rate (65+): Proportion of elderly population

Key Data and Trend Analysis#

Fertility Rate Assumptions#

  • Low Fertility Scenario (TFR=0.72)

    • Total population sharply declines, aging rate skyrockets (possibly over 40% by 2100)
    • Risks: labor shortages, increased social security pressure, economic stagnation
  • Medium Fertility Scenario (TFR=1.05)

    • Total population slowly declines, aging rate still significantly rises
    • Risks: long-term population structure imbalance
  • High Fertility Scenario (TFR=1.31)

    • Population decline slows, aging rate slightly alleviated
    • Limitations: fertility rate still below replacement level (2.1), trend not reversed

Core Challenges#

  • Under all scenarios:
    • Aging rate continues to rise from 4.8% in 2025, potentially reaching 30%-40% by 2100
    • Total population continues to decrease, necessitating responses to labor and economic growth pressures

Policy Recommendations#

1. Encourage Childbirth Policies#

  • Economic Support: Increase childbirth subsidies, extend paid parental leave
  • Social Services: Promote universal childcare, ensure education and healthcare resources
  • Supporting Reforms: Reduce housing costs, optimize tax reductions

2. Address Aging Population#

  • Delay Retirement: Gradually raise retirement age
  • Pension System: Strengthen healthcare coverage, develop community elderly care services
  • Silver Economy: Promote industries catering to the elderly (e.g., smart elderly care devices)

3. Optimize Population Structure#

  • Talent Introduction: Relax skilled immigration policies to attract high-skilled labor
  • Industry Upgrade: Accelerate automation and AI applications to fill labor gaps

4. Dynamic Adjustment Mechanism#

  • Data Monitoring: Establish a real-time population database to track changes in fertility rates
  • Policy Flexibility: Adjust subsidies and benefits based on actual fertility rates
  • Cultural Guidance: Promote an inclusive childbirth culture to reduce marriage and childbirth anxiety


  • Multiple Strategies in Parallel: Need to combine childbirth incentives, pension reforms, and economic transformation.
  • Prioritize Avoiding Low Fertility Rates: The TFR=0.72 scenario poses the highest risk, potentially leading to an irreversible social crisis.
  • Long-term Investment: Even the high fertility scenario (TFR=1.31) requires ongoing policy support to stabilize population structure.
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