
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.

Six Common Misconceptions About Dreams for Ordinary People

Recently, there have been more and more inquiries about dreams, but many people have many questions about dreams, and some people have added a lot of mystery to dream interpretation.

Dreams are always a combination of fantasy and reality. It is precisely because of the enchantment of dreams that they are so fascinating. Just like the movie "Inception," they delve deeper into dreams and finally reach a strange realm. However, this is the embodiment of film art. Real dreams accompany you every night. One day, you will want to understand them.


Misunderstandings about dreams among ordinary people#

6 Misconceptions#

01. "Dreams are useless"#

"You say dreams are useless? I heard that dreams are for dealing with mental garbage."

Answer: Existence is reasonable. (Come and hit me)

People spend about 1/9 of their lives dreaming, but few people pay attention to their dreams. Just like my colleagues around me, everyone is tormented by trivial matters during the day, and they fall asleep as soon as they lie down at night. In the morning at seven or eight o'clock, before they have time to rub their sleepy eyes, they plunge back into their busy work. In this situation, if you ask them what dreams they had, they can only answer you with daydreams. Occasionally, they remember one or two dreams, but they just treat them as jokes.

Does that mean we have wasted this 1/9 of our time? Dreams are a kind of revelation, a slice of the mind, reflecting the connection between current reality and inner self. Dreams are like a mirror, through which we can see our inner selves.

02. "I never dream"#

"Hmph! I never dream, how do you explain that?"

Answer: It's none of my business if you don't dream. Whatever.

As mentioned earlier, people spend about 1/9 of their time dreaming, and you are no exception. People usually have 6 to 9 dreams in one night, and not remembering them doesn't mean you didn't dream. The sleep process of a person is divided into four stages, from shallow to deep, and then from deep to shallow, becoming more and more awake, but not waking up. Although the brain waves are the same as when you wake up, you are actually dreaming at this time.

This stage is called the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stage because you can see your eyes moving rapidly under your eyelids. If you are awakened at this time, you will say that you were dreaming.

Let me tell you a secret, your eyes also move when you close them and imagine things.


03. "Dreams affect sleep"#

"I had a long and tiring dream today. Can't I stop dreaming?"

Answer: No, you can't. (Hahaha)

Many people believe that dreams affect sleep because whenever they remember a dream in the morning, they feel particularly tired. Perhaps the reality is just the opposite. It is because your sleep is not good and you are in a shallow sleep stage that you remember your dreams. We always like to find scapegoats, but dreams are not to blame for this.

However, there is no complete consensus on the impact of dreams on sleep. Nightmares can wake you up, and pleasant dreams can make you feel comfortable and sleep better. But we don't know exactly how it works. Perhaps life cannot always be smooth sailing.

04. "Dreams always have a meaning"#

"I dreamt that a dog bit me. Does that mean I should be careful when going out?"

Answer: If a dog bites you, it's probably because I let it. (Woof!)

There are indeed dreams that have symbolic meanings, but don't get too excited too soon. This situation is very rare. Scientifically speaking, there is no evidence for some supernatural dreams with spiritual connections. The dreams of ancient people were indeed used for divination, referring to the Book of Changes and divination, and then interpreting the dreams. As science gradually developed, divination gradually declined. Modern scientific dream interpretation is based on psychoanalysis and other psychological analysis methods.

There is another type of dream that predicts something. For example, in the morning when you leave home, you glance at a coin in front of the door without paying much attention. When you rest after a tiring day and have a dream about a coin in front of the door, you feel surprised and get up to look for it. Sure enough, you find a coin, and you call this dream a "wealth dream."

This is just the keen perception of the subconscious mind. You had already seen that coin, but you didn't pay much attention to it and forgot about it early on. However, the subconscious mind recorded everything without missing a single detail, and that's how the dream came about.


05. "Misunderstandings about interpreting dreams"#

"I dreamt that my tooth fell out. Does that mean someone close to me will die?"

Answer: Please beat up the person who told you that until their teeth fall out, maybe they will dream about losing teeth tonight. (Laughs)

Many people treat dream interpretation as a treasure trove, but you might as well just go to Baidu (a search engine).

Zhou Gong's dream interpretation summarized the symbolic meanings of dreams into a dictionary of symbols, which created the phenomenon of dream interpretation by Zhou Gong. It is just a kind of statistical big data, and it does not necessarily apply to individuals.

I can say that most people like money, but I cannot say that everyone likes money. Zhou Gong's classical dream interpretation method is not applicable to individuals and to some extent reflects the habits and thinking of ancient people.

If you dream of durian, you won't find it in Zhou Gong's book. You think durian smells good, but she thinks durian smells bad. So, are the durians in your dreams the same thing? Obviously not. Dreams are individual dreams, influenced by the environment and culture, but closely related to the individual's personal experiences.

06. "Dreams are the opposite"#

"I dreamt of losing money, so I will definitely make a lot of money today because dreams are the opposite, right?"

Answer: No, you're wrong again.

Dreams have a balancing effect and can stabilize your emotions. When you feel happy, you may dream of something unhappy, and when you feel scared, you may dream of something that makes you happy. Dreams constantly keep you in a state of balance to maintain individual stability because the dream creator is yourself. So, in this sense, dreams are the opposite.

But if someone says that dreams are always the opposite, then they are completely wrong. This statement assumes that dreams have a predictive function, but as we learned in the fourth point, dreams do not have a predictive function, or at least very rarely. Therefore, this argument falls apart.

From the perspective of feelings, dreams and reality are connected through emotions. The feelings in dreams are the same as the feelings in reality. Therefore, dreams and reality are also consistent.

Although some statements are misunderstandings, they contain people's curiosity and continuous desire to explore dreams. It is precisely because of this spirit that we can continue to develop and get closer to dreams, and better understand the language of dreams. ^_^

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