
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.

Dream Case: What kind of life do you live wearing different clothes?

She is a full-time housewife and is currently considering whether or not to go to work. The reason for this is that a friend recommended a project to her, which is very good and offers good benefits. However, she is worried about whether she is capable of it, and if she fails, it would be embarrassing!

During the consultation, she told me about her dream:

I dreamt about my hometown, which is where my parents live. Because the teacher said they wanted to check our homework, I went out to meet them. I had to walk up a slope, which was a bit difficult.

On the way, someone said that my clothes didn't look good, so I ran back home to change.

On the way back home, I saw a few people picking dates under a jujube tree, so I picked a few dates and brought them home. Later, I heard that the teacher had already finished checking, and I had missed it.


Let me tell you a story so that everyone can understand the meaning of this dream:

There was a girl who had just graduated and left home to enter society. She wanted to achieve something and prove her worth. But later, she realized that the path in society was very tiring. As she struggled along, she suddenly felt that her personality was not suitable for this path and thought about going back home. So she turned around and went back home, and indeed, the downhill road was much easier to walk. She walked for a long time and gradually noticed that her friends and colleagues around her were working hard and pursuing achievements, while she had gained very little from her work. With this small harvest, she entered into marriage and became a full-time housewife.

Years later, she once again had the desire to go to work, to prove her worth again. But she had missed the opportunity, and she believed that she had failed on the path of work.

This dream is a reflection on the past, reflecting on how she got to where she is now. This kind of reflection is the subconscious mind organizing her previous experiences and intending to start the next phase of life.

Shortly after, she still wanted to go to work, but before making a decision, she had another dream:

I went to work in another city with my colleagues. We met the leader and discussed work matters. Accommodations were arranged, and a few of us were in the same room. One person took out many scorpions and put them in a bowl. I saw them and felt scared, so I asked him to put them away quickly, and then I woke up.

She was very worried about whether this dream was a bad omen and whether she should give up the opportunity to work again.

From the dream, it can be seen that the beginning of the dream is a simulation of what she would be like after going to work, a psychological preparation. Her subconscious mind is expressing her worries. She is worried that it is a bad omen and is considering giving up the job opportunity. This is another expression of her worries. For a dream interpreter, this sentence means the same as the dream itself.

I asked the dreamer to associate three things with the scorpions, and through these associations, it was easy to understand the meaning of the scorpions.

① The dreamer said that scorpions are poisonous but can be beneficial as medicinal herbs.

② Then I asked the dreamer to associate with the feeling of fear. The dreamer said that she was not afraid of the scorpions themselves, but because her colleague in the dream used his hand to press the scorpions instead of using a bag to contain them, which made her feel scared.

③ Finally, the dreamer associated the dream with her colleagues. He is a colleague she will be working with on this trip, young and impulsive, not considering things thoroughly, which makes her worry that this project may not last long and she may not receive her salary.

So this dream expresses it very clearly, which is "this meal may not taste good, it may have benefits, but it may also be poisonous." The dream indirectly reveals the dreamer's dependence on others, and whether it is poisonous or not is completely controlled by others, while she can only worry.


Through dream interpretation, the dreamer went from initial anxiety, worry, and fear, wanting to give up this desired job opportunity to return to the workplace, to finally letting go of mental burdens and preparing to embrace this project with a positive attitude, and to start a new life. As for whether the outcome is good or bad, I hope she won't just passively let others decide.

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