Always do high-profit business. Light assets, low costs, few personnel, and many customers are the best business models.
There are only five sources of money: Plunder, exchange, exploitation, monopoly, and donation.
Making money goes against human nature, making money is constantly disgusting oneself. Control your attention, control your emotions, and don't let anyone or anything interfere with your goals.
To make money, you must break the rules. Breaking the rules without violating them is the key to getting results faster.
Build good relationships. It's not important to have good relationships with small people, but to have good relationships with influential people who can help you.
Never expect returns through giving. Increase your own value and use value to attract.
There are no shortcuts to making money, but you have to challenge your own growth. Only by growing yourself and improving your thinking can you truly understand the fundamental logic of making money.
Believe in yourself, have unwavering faith. When you truly want to do something, the world will make way for you. Just keep your focus ahead, never slack off, and you will find that they will automatically make way for you.