
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.

Reflections and Summary on Reading "Discourses on Salt and Iron"

"The Discourses on Salt and Iron" is like the ancient version of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", let's use straightforward and poignant language to describe these ancient teachings.

  1. In places with abundant resources, there is wealth: just like having a Walmart at your doorstep, it's hard not to be rich. Making money is not about working yourself to death, but about using your brain and finding a good place.

  2. Don't be too kind, your wallet will cry: if you want to get rich, sometimes you have to toughen up. Being too soft-hearted won't make money magically appear in your pocket.

  3. It's hard for small grass to grow under a big tree: just like in a forest, the small grass under a big tree will never grow into a big tree. In society, you also need to find your own space, don't let yourself be suffocated by pressure.

  4. Seeking comfort leads to danger right in front of you: those who only want to enjoy the present often can't see the pitfalls ahead. Short-sighted people only focus on immediate gains, but fail to see the big pitfalls in the distance.

  5. A box full of broken jade is not as good as a piece of real gold: reading many books enriches knowledge, but it doesn't mean you truly understand. Real wisdom is being able to apply knowledge effectively.

  6. Listen and observe more, don't isolate yourself: those with broad knowledge understand more; those with keen ears have more wisdom. Those who don't listen to others' advice will end up trapping themselves.

  7. Poverty is not scary, lack of wisdom is: being of low status doesn't mean you're stupid; being poor doesn't mean you lack morals. True value lies in your mind and soul.

  8. Overindulgent mothers raise disobedient children: mothers who spoil their children will end up nurturing ungrateful individuals. Sometimes, being tough is a form of love.

  9. Handle big matters with stability, small matters with diligence: when dealing with big matters, don't rush and get confused; when dealing with small matters, don't be lazy and neglect them.

  10. Clothing and food are the essentials: everything else is secondary, filling your stomach and wearing warm clothes are the basics of life.

  11. Smart people know how to adapt: the world changes, smart people adapt; circumstances change, wise people adjust their strategies.

  12. Stay firm in poverty, don't abandon your aspirations: poverty doesn't change your goals, humility doesn't shift your focus. That's what makes a great man.

  13. Be prepared to avoid trouble, lack of preparation leads to being controlled by others: being prepared allows you to control the situation; without preparation, you'll be led by the nose.

  14. In a big forest, there are all kinds of winds: wealthy families often use sweet words. Don't be deceived by these words, remember to see who is sincere and who is fake.

  15. Quitting halfway leads to nothing: don't give up halfway through a task; in learning, don't fish for three days and dry the net for two. Persistence leads to results.

  16. Patch small holes before they become big troubles: when problems arise, solve them promptly. The longer you delay, the bigger the problem becomes, and the harder it is to solve.

Although these ancient teachings are from a distant past, the wisdom within them is eternal.

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