
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.

Deploy Microsoft’s edge-tts on Cloudflare

Edge TTS Worker is a proxy service deployed on Cloudflare Worker that encapsulates Microsoft's Edge TTS service into an API interface compatible with OpenAI format. Through this project, you can easily use Microsoft's high-quality speech synthesis service without Microsoft certification.


Bypass access restrictions in mainland China, eliminating the Microsoft service certification step
Provides OpenAI compatible interface format
Completely free - based on Cloudflare Worker free plan
Secure and controllable - supports custom API keys
Multilingual support - Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, etc.
Quick deployment - can be completed in minutes

Quick Deployment

  1. Create Worker
    Log in to Cloudflare Dashboard
    Go to Workers & Pages
    Click Create Worker
    Name the Worker (e.g., edge-tts)
  2. Deploy Code
    Delete the default code in the editor
    Copy the code from worker.js and paste it
    Click Save and deploy
  3. Set API Key (optional)
    In the Worker settings page, find Settings -> Variables
    Click Add variable
    Enter API_KEY as the name and the desired key as the value
    Click Save and deploy
  4. Configure Custom Domain (optional)
    Your domain is already hosted on Cloudflare
    The DNS records of the domain are proxied through Cloudflare (proxy status is orange cloud)
    Configuration Steps
    In the Worker details page
    Click the Settings tab
    Find the Domain and Routing section
    Click the Add button
    Select Custom Domain
    Enter the domain you want to use (e.g.,
    Click Add Domain
    Wait for the certificate deployment to complete (usually within a few minutes)
    Once completed, you can access the service in the following two ways:

Workers domain:
Custom domain:
Note: The custom domain must use HTTPS, and Cloudflare will automatically provide an SSL certificate.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.